Keep your pup entertained this summer with these 12 Outdoor Dog Toys that are durable and waterproof for playtime in the pool!
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It's amazing how fast a year goes. This time last year, we had just gotten word from the breeder that three Cairn Terrier puppies were born. We were making our arrangements to visit the puppies and ultimately pick out which one of the three lucky brothers would find their way into our hearts and our home. A year later, Hunter's officially one year old and has completely changed the dynamic of our household for the better.
I can't believe the cute, little puppy that I introduced to the world last September is officially one year old! The whole process of introducing Hunter into our family seems like it just happened yesterday! As you know, Hunter's not only become a huge part of our family, but my blog, as well. I talk about him often. You see him all the time on social media. He's even gotten us noticed on Popsugar!
So for Hunter's birthday, I decided to spoil him a bit (okay, a lot) to celebrate. On the morning of Hunter's birthday, we took a ride downtown to go to one of the local pet boutiques for a special birthday treat. He loved walking around town because it was someplace new and exciting for him! Then, we stopped into another shop to replace his ID tag. The one he had, he chewed up as a small puppy. All of that birthday celebrating gets exhausting! So when we got home, he promptly tuckered out on the floor.
12 Outdoor Dog Toys for Summer Fun
We also ordered some things for his birthday that had a fun, summer vibe so he could enjoy them while he's outside on the deck or splashing around the pool! If your dog loves being outside, check out these 12 outdoor dog toys that are durable and water resistant! Don't have a pool? Get your dog a splash pad or sprinkler!