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Keep track of what you have in stock in the freezer and keep your food shopping budget under control with this free Freezer Inventory Printable Checklist!
When I lived at home with my parents, I remember they made inventory lists for the freezer on a weekly basis (in fact, I used to write some of them out for them!). It allowed them to keep track of bulk items and budget for food shopping day. It wasn't until last week that I thought about creating my own inventory checklist for my house.
My husband was off of work last week and that usually means I spend a bit more - well, a lot more - food shopping. Not only did I need to shop for our weekly dinner menu, but I had to shop for enough lunch for the two of us, extra snacks, and a ton of drinks. I ended up taking more money out of our weekly grocery budget because all of those extras added up so quickly!
I may have over-prepared for his week off because by the time it was food shopping day again, we had a freezer filled to the top with food! Some leftovers and a lot of bulk meats. My husband gets quite a few weeks off, so I'm going to play it smart this summer. I'm going to keep track about what we have (and put my foot down about what we don't need that week) by using a weekly inventory checklist.

So I created this simple, printable inventory list. I divided it into sections: meat, leftovers, breakfast, and others. Then, I got to work cleaning out and organizing what we had in the freezer. So far, this printable has been so helpful in keeping track of everything!
I figured it might be able to help others keep track of their freezer stock and weekly budget. Click the link to download the list! I hope it keeps you organized and possibly even saves you a few bucks while grocery shopping!