How To Bust Blogger Burnout

February 8, 2016

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How to Bust Blogger Burnout

I experienced a major case of blogger burnout around the holidays. I felt completely overwhelmed, my head seemed like it was in a permanent fog, and a work schedule simply did not exist at that point.  So I told myself I’d start off the New Year easy. I wouldn’t take on too many extra projects and I’d get myself more organized so I wouldn’t feel that overwhelmed again.  Well, here we are now in February and my blogger burnout is slowly creeping up on me once more.

I’ve started using the EPIC BLOG planner for my blog, but somehow I’ve managed to totally screw up this week.  It was Friday and I was thinking about what I had to complete over the weekend for the week ahead.  With two sponsored posts coming up, the wrong product purchased, a recipe to make, and lots of photos to take, I felt like I had no choice but to hustle.  That was until I looked at my planner and realized my calendar was way off!  I was a week ahead of myself and putting pressure on myself for no reason.  Time to regroup, refocus, and reorganize!

So I asked some of my blogger friends what they do when they experience burnout.   I loved all of their answers and will definitely keep some of them in mind the next time I feel completely swamped and at my breaking point!

“I walk away and get busy with something else. Even take a week off to clear my mind and regain focus. Lisa, Cosmetic Santuary

Sometimes you have to stop to keep going if that makes sense. Meet your deadlines for what someone is paying you to do but then step away, regroup, and recharge your batteries. The world won’t stop because you didn’t tweet or pin for a day or two. Kathy, Penney Lane

“Changing up my schedule helps me out. Like, if I always blog at night but hit a serious burnout, then I try blogging in the morning instead. Cris, Kiss My Tulle

I have to walk away when I’m not feeling it. Writing content is painful when I’m burnt out and reading what I wrote when I didn’t care is painful too I’m sure lolJustina, Justina’s Gems

Don’t be ashamed or scared to take a break. Everyone needs a vacation, even if your job isn’t traditional.  Keeping lists and setting timers for tasks works for me. Mindy, Mindy Joy Media

Taking a break isn’t the same as quitting. You have to get yourself together in order to get your thoughts in order sometimes. Stephanie, All Things Beautiful XO

The Pomodoro Technique has been my best friend lately to help me keep the overwhelm at bay. If I get too overwhelmed, it starts pushing towards that burnout stage. I also give myself permission to not post when the creative juices are flowing, no matter what my editorial calendar is saying. Taylor, Pink Heels Pink Truck

For me, the first rule of hitting that wall is to step back and breathe.  I reassess what is priority and what isn’t.  Those are the tasks I work on first.  It’s always a sigh of relief knowing I have a sponsored post scheduled and in the books.  Then, I move on to fill the other blocks in my calendar.

If I’m feeling completely overwhelmed and unfocused, I walk away for a little bit.  It’s okay to take a mental health day.  It’s downright important sometimes for productivity!  If you can’t take a full day off, get outside, go for a walk, or just take a drive to grab a cup of coffee.

When all else fails, I clean.  Nothing clutters my brain more than, well, clutter.  Cleaning up my work area and other areas in the house always seems to do the trick!

How do you avoid blogger burnout?


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